Jamaica’s tropical climate and fertile soil make it a paradise for fruit lovers. Visiting a local Jamaican market offers an explosion of vibrant colors, enticing aromas, and unique flavors. Here are five must-try exotic fruits you should savor while exploring the island:

1. Ackee
Often called Jamaica’s national fruit, ackee is a staple in the famous dish "ackee and saltfish." When ripe, its bright red pods open to reveal creamy yellow flesh. Despite its buttery texture and nutty flavor, ackee must be fully ripe and properly prepared to avoid toxicity. Beyond its culinary uses, ackee is packed with nutrients, including protein, fatty acids, and vitamins.

2. Jamaican Star Apple (Cainito)
This fruit, known locally as “Milk Fruit,” has a glossy purple or green skin and a sweet, milky interior. The flesh has a jelly-like consistency with a mild, custard-like flavor. Star apple is best enjoyed chilled, making it a refreshing treat on a hot day. Rich in vitamin C, it’s also believed to aid digestion.

3. Soursop (Graviola)
Soursop is a spiky green fruit with soft, white pulp that’s both sweet and tangy. Known for its distinctive flavor, often described as a mix of strawberry and pineapple, soursop is popular in juices, smoothies, and desserts. It’s also celebrated for its potential health benefits, including immune support and anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Jamaican June Plum
June plum, also called "Ambarella," is a small golden fruit that can be eaten green or ripe. When unripe, it’s crisp and tart, often paired with salt or pepper. Ripe June plums are sweeter, with a juicy interior surrounding a spiky pit. They’re a great source of vitamin C and fiber, perfect for snacking or making refreshing drinks.