Do The MASX Party Packages Include International Flights?
MASX clients come together from various countries all over the world. It would be an incredible task to include individual international flights with each package. However, National/Domestic flights are included in our packages. If you are stuck and need help with your international flight, please reach out to us at info@masx.party and we will do our best to assist you.
What Is The Refund Policy If I Decide Not To Go?
Depending on the time of year you cancel we will refund your trip according to the following schedule:
Please note that deposits are non-refundable.
75% refund - Minimum 6 months before the start date of the tour
50% refund - Minimum 5 months before the start date of the tour
25% refund - Minimum 4 months before the start date of the tour
Cancellation after the periods above WILL NOT be subject to a refund.
How Does The Deposit Work?
Deposits are for those who wish to secure their package without paying the full amount upfront. A follow-up email will be sent by MASX to your email address with payment details for outstanding balance. Full payment will be due no later than 4 months before the start date of the tour. Deposits are non-refundable. The deposit option is not available within 4 months of the start date of the tour.
Can I Book A Hotel Only Through MASX?
Yes, this is possible. Priority is given to customers purchasing packages and rooms are subject to availability.
Why Are Prices In USD?
Almost every country operates in United States Dollar (USD) as well as their local currency. Most of our vendors/suppliers quote us in USD, so we calculate the cost of our packages in USD.
What Kind Of Personal Insurance Do You Recommend?
Medical and travel Insurance are not included in MASX packages but highly recommended. If you are stuck and need help, please reach out to us at info@masx.party and we will do our best to assist you.
Will I Need A Travel Visa?
The requirement of a travel visa will vary depending on the country you are flying from and/or the country you are flying to. Contact your local government office for more information. If still in doubt, contact our team at MASX and we will be happy to assist. Our contact information can be found at the bottom of the website.
Will I Be Safe?
Our number one priority is to ensure the safety of our customers. Any destination that can be characterized as unsafe will not be visited by MASX clients. When and where warranted, MASX provides security to keep our clients as safe as possible, however, as with any vacation destination around the world, visitors are always encouraged to be vigilant in every situation.
What Happens After I Purchase My Package Online?
After purchasing your package online, you will receive a detailed email within 24 hours of purchase confirming your purchase as well as detailing the next steps in the process. These steps include, but are not limited to the following:
You will be sent a link to complete an online client registration form where we will collect all information needed to personalize your party tour.
You will be given access to a detailed itinerary for the party tour.
You will be sent a website link for the "Standard Terms and Conditions" waiver that must be signed and returned.
Additional Questions / Concerns?
Don't see the answer you're looking for here? Our reliable team will be happy to assist you. Feel free to call or email us for additional assistance. 
Call/WhatsApp Us: +1.647.980.6279
Email Us: info@masx.party
Social Media: @masxparty